
Installation, Repair, Sanding, Surface Treatment, Our Own Tools

MouldProtec secures our clients an external team of highly skilled technicians within Mould Maintenance to Wind Turbine Blade manufacturing plants. The moulds performance and surface quality have a critical and costly impact in the annual delivery performance of blades to end-users. Sudden repairs or productions stop should be avoided and limited. Such standards require specified knowledge and expertise in mould maintenance, which can be a missing resource locally. Refurbishments often take place in holiday seasons, where it’s difficult and expensive to acquire enough internal personnel. That’s why MouldProtec is here to support You!


Our services

What we offer


Consultancy pricing

Deals you can make



Previous tasks

About us

Let us take care of your moulds! Your moulds performance are essential for reaching a tight production schedule. Let us help you make sure your moulds perform as they should. We offer highly experienced workers, we use our own tools and equipment, and we can help you in every stage of mould maintenance, building, or installation.

We make repairs, sanding, cleaning, sealing and apply release treatment. Your moulds will be back in production to agreed time  –  while your own workers can have their holidays and focus 100% on their key competence  –  producing Wind blades!

Our Mission

Ensure technical mould preparation standards
for wind blade production environments
Worldwide in combination with efficient
tools and working methods securing
time-savings and optimal performance!

Our Vision

To be the prefered external outsourcing
partner and consultant within technical
and practical execution and supervision in
mould preparation processing for Wind
Turbine Blade manufacturing!

Our Team

Our teams consists of highly specialized, English speaken operators from Europe. They have obtained all safety courses and epoxy certifications according to Danish standards for Composite production environments. We work in teams with 5-10 operators pending on the task, and have same hourly price for both day, evening and night shifts. Our teams are led by a Danish technical responsible project manager, who is your “single-point-of contact” and coordinating the work onsite.

Contact us

MouldProtec ApS
Strandkanten 4, 6950 Ringkøbing, Denmark
Mail: info@mouldprotec.com

MouldProtec – Consulting Dept.
Technical Responsible, Jan Pedersen
Cell: +45 2368 2523
Skype: japed.
Mail: japed@mouldprotec.com

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